The time of judgement is upon me. Tonight at midnight my pseudo-life (my blog) will be judged. Have I been just, have I been thorough, have I been honest and kind?
I beleive so. But if I be judged on the needful thing then perhaps I may be judged harshly. I did not finish The Bible. I only made it into the book of Numbers specifically Numbers 2. What I will say is up to that point I was reading thoroughly word for word, and when I found myself staring I stopped. Yes, numbers is where I lost my resolve. I dabbled in the other books Ruth, Luke, and Paul. Revelation I read through and through, climactic, exciting, viseral. Upon reflection I realize that I was destracted by other classes, my AA meetings, my lover, and my stomach. I cannot blame television because I don't have cable, and Netflix has hardly been needful. To be honest, in some sense I am disappointed in myself. I knew and know that I am capable of such a task, but I did not hold myself to it. However I plan on continuing my Bible reading. I plan to finish it over the break, before spring semester consumes my life.
Bottom line, I feel good. I feel I learned something about myself and about the world in opening the pages to The Bible. I was ignorant that is for sure, and an ignoramous I may still be if only a little less. I find it needless to blog endlessly now to make up for my sloth. I feel it would be like finding god during the Rapture (well no shit). This has been an apocolytic class.
In the words of Edward R. Murrow, "Good night, and good Luck."
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