Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Leviticus 1-7: Sacrifice 101

In all seriousness I don't understand why sacrifice became as important as it did. I understand the premise of sacrifice as the performance of "sacred rights", but why? I know why according to The Bible: because God told Moses (like when children question there parents "Why?" "Becuase I said so."). That still does not satisfy my questions as to why? My question also brings into light how ritual sacrifice seems like a pretty pagan thing to do, and not only that but it would seem that most beleifs and religions across the board beleived in a kind of sacrifice in one form or another. The Aztecs used sacrifice, the Jews, the Scandanavian religions, and the Greeks. Some theorize that the sacrifice comes from hunting traditions as appeasment for the hunter having to have taken another living creatures life. I guess at the end of the day what is interesting is how sacrifice was so important in the Bible and today I think you would be hard pressed to find ritual sacrifice. I am pretty sure in might even be animal cruelty. Really if I think of modern day sacrifice I think of Satanic Worshipers, not bearded jews. Upon searching the internet for clues I stumbled upon a video from the BBC entitiled "Witch Doctors Reveal the Extent of Child Sacrifice." http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/2/hi/programmes/newsnight/8441813.stm It is about modern human sacrifice, and what is interesting is how many similiarites sacrifice in the Bible have to those taking place in Uganda today. Look for the use of Children (kid/lamb) and Unblemished specimens.

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