Monday, October 4, 2010

Profesor Sexson blew my mind.

The wonderful thing about learning is that you slowly but surely find out how utterly ignorant you are. I came to realize that after Linda Sexson's lecture that I am an intellectual misogynist. I, through years and years of schooling have fallen into the patriarchy's pedagogical trap.

For instance this whole time reading The Bible I have almost entirely focused on the male characters, pushing the female ones to the side, dismissing them as shallow characters in the periphery of the great stories of Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, and many more. I have come to the conclusion that The Bible really tells two stories at one time. The most obvious is the story of the men of The Bible, and the other is the story of women. The second being the one that you really have to read into, do to The Bible's focus on the righteousness of men and God.

The Bible in no uncertain terms has probably done more to denigrate, subjugate, objectify, and abuse women that any other text in the world. I cannot mention the whole Bible because I have not read it all, but so far it would seem to prove my point. I say this because roughly 168,000 Bibles are sold, and distributed every day. That means this book is quite literally every where. Now if those who have Bibles are being fed this notion of woman as being the cause for all sin (Eve), Harlots (Ghomer), Whores (The whore of Babylon), Incestuous schemers (Lots Daughters). That is just a few that I can remember, but the point being that women don't exactly get fair representation. What is important though is the implications this has on male views of women in our society, and how The Bible has helped perpetrate those misogynistic views.

God I took like four pages of notes I find that I must take a women studies class because this is like learning all over again. I thank Linda Sexson for coming in and sharing her incite with us. One thing that I really took away was Linda's Law #45: All gods are metaphors. Like Paul said in the new testament, "through a glass darkly." We will only have partial understanding.

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