Monday, September 13, 2010


The Bible is rough. I don't consider myself to be completely inept when it comes to reading and comprehension but the Bible is starting to make me reconsider. I feel like I am on a plot line that looks like a roller coaster with bends, turns, dips, dives, curly ques and whoopdy doos. For context I am just now reading the book of Exodus. Genesis I thought would be the straight forward book, the one I would just fly through (not true). Now I know why they have bible college, LOL.

David Plotz has thus far been my life line and partner in crime. I feel his pain, and laugh when he laughs. By reading Plotz  I am able to go back and pick up what I had missed in various chapters. The book should be called the bible buddy.

To add insult to injury my Penguin Bible is falling apart. Genesis has completely fallen from the book, I now have Genesis leaflets. My bible is on a diet plan, getting thinner as time goes by. I didn't know I bought a biodegradable Bible (does it have an expiration date?). At this rate my Bible will have disintegrated by the time I get to Leviticus.

One book I haven't been able to put down is the Slave by Singer. My goodness it is just a good book to read, and brings to life some of the little tidbits we have read in the Bible.

I am reaching a kind of plateau. I find myself just staring at the Bibles tissue paper pages trying to draw meaning from seemingly endless and repetitive chaos. I was having fun at first but now it is a chore. Every time I pick it up I become ill (not really but that is how I feel). If the King James version is the most updated version then we need a even more updated version. There should be a George W. Bush edition of the bible written in terms even he could understand (myself included). I am an English Lit major and I am at the limit of what I can swallow. I would gladly take War and Peace at this moment. However to quote Wilfred Owen, "Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge." I will keep up the good fight.

P.S. Still have not received my Frye and Frazer books damn you UPS!

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