Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Progress not perfection.

Kudos and Congratulations to those in our class who have enlightened me as to what blogging can do. I found upon sifting through our class blogs that I am not taking the the blogging medium seriously. Until recently I had presumed that the blogging sphere was a cyber realm filled with those cyber geeks who would who hide behind cyber anonymity  ranting and criticizing- people and various topics. How ignorant I was. Some of the members of our class have created some superbly interesting blogs. Some have taken a journalistic approach like Jennifer's blog and others have made theirs a gathering place for ideas and information which they have researched like that of Russell Rickers blog; which includes some interesting definitions and clarifications of words from Exodus, "Thank You Russel." I am coming to the realization that all of your blogs are resources and assets to my journey through the intellectual landscape of The Bible.

In addition to this I am realizing that I am a slacker of the worst kind. I have hid behind the a veil of ignorance and righteousness. Ending with my own ineptitude in the realm of cyber social networking, and cyber communication. I would like to issue an amends by making a formal apology for my ignorance and my slanderous thoughts against facebook, blogging, twitter, so on and so forth.

The Bible, Words with Power, The Slave, The Good Book, Folklore in the Old Testament. I am behind considerably with these five texts looming ominously above, waiting for due dates to exact their wrath upon my head, for I have worshiped false idols: the Internet, television, work. That said it is time to focus on the task at hand.

Currently I have only read up to the book of Leviticus and I am more and more convinced of my beliefs about The Bible. It for me as an individual it as a text and nothing more. I would sooner worship Plato's Gorgias as my religious doctrine (no offense to those who believe in The Bible, like I say to each his own). When I say the bible is a text and nothing more that does not be any means denote that The Bible is meaningless. The Bible has great meaning it has almost single handedly shaped our literary traditions, and the foundations of our country. Most of western societies canonical works bare some reference to The Bible whether or not intentionally or accidentally. So regardless of religious ideals The Bible for me from the perspective of an English and Literature major is a a piece of literary dogma. In terms outside of "truth" The Bible has the ability to influence: people, places, events, things, and even thinking which are all reflected in literature. It is for this reason I continue reading in spite of the daunting task before me. The Bible will be read by the end of this semester or the next.

Till Then.

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